RINA - Hellenic Advisory Committee meeting 14/11/2018
RINA - Hellenic Advisory Committee meeting 14/11/2018


November 26, 2018




RINA Hellenic Advisory Committee looking to the future: The RINACube Fleet Operation Center on the spot.

RINA Hellenic Committee hosted several leaders within the Greek shipping community on the 14thof November, who discussed about new technologies and had the opportunity to experience a live demonstration of the RINACube Fleet Operation Center.


The Committee Chairman George Youroukos, Owner of Technomar Shipping Inc., in his opening speech highlighted some of RINA’s significant achievements in 2018, such as a further increase of classed fleet to almost 44 million Gross Tons and underlined the quality of services provided which is necessary to offer a competitive advantage to its client. Mr. Youroukos announced that his company has decided to install RINA’s performance management system “Optimum”, which is part of the RINACube Fleet Operation Center, to their fleet starting with two vessels.


Ugo Salerno, Chairman & CEO of RINA, in his opening presentation referred to the transformation of the energy landscape and the future prospects that are expected to be based more on hybrid resources. Mr. Salerno pointed out that the next big power play will be on hydrogen and that the technology of fuel cells is rapidly progressing therefore applications on ships are also to be seen soon.


Fortunato Sulfaro, CEO of RINA Services, updated the Members on the latest developments of RINA Marine providing information on the fleet profile and the expansion of network. Mr. Sulfaro referred to some of RINA’s significant projects, like the Carnival XL LNG fuelled  cruise ships currently under construction at Meyer Werft Shipyards or the hybrid RoRo Cargo ships to be built for Grimaldi at Jinlin in China.


Spyros Zolotas, Director Marine, Greece and Black Sea, thanked the members for their continuous support and presented details on the Greek owned fleet classed by RINA that is today about 10 million in Gross Tonnage. Further services related to MRV, IMO DCS and Ship Recycling certification have been delivered during 2018 to a significant number of vessels managed by important Greek shipping companies.


Barbara Poli, Chief Digital Officer of RINA, gave an overview on the Digital Strategy of the Company and spoke about today’s most valuable resource in the world that is no longer oil but data. Mrs Poli presented an interesting survey on the impact that the digital transformation on Greek Shipping companies and the position that they are expected to have in the transport chain in the next 5 to 10 years.


Alessandro Pescetto, Head of RINA Marine Innovation Sector, gave the chance to Committee members to see a live demonstration of the friendly use and capabilities of RINACube Fleet Operation Center with a special focus on the RINA Optimum energy performance system.


Discussions continued until late in a friendly mood over dinner with live music.



RINA Services S.p.A. is the RINA company active in classification, certification, inspection and testing services.

RINA provides a wide range of services across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and Industry sectors.
With a turnover in 2017 of 437 million Euros, about 3,700 employees and 170 offices in 65 countries worldwide, RINA is a member of key international organizations and an important contributor to the development of new legislative standards. www.rina.org




For more information and photos of the event:


Spyridon Zolotas

Marine Greece & Black Sea Area

RINA Hellas Ltd.

Phone: +30 210 4292144

Mobile: +30 6932434582

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RINA - Hellenic Advisory Committee meeting 14/11/2018

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